

I was really interested in reading stories since I was young. I wanted to be James Bond when he outsmarted the bad guys, Harry when he found the philosopher’s stone, or Ash when he first set out from Pallet town with Pikachu in tow.

Curiosity has always been a driving force for me, and it took me into law enforcement as I got to personally witness the outlandish stories that went on between international borders. My experiences eventually inspired me to tell stories of my own.

Over the past decade, I’ve written copy for Fortune 500 companies, worked with dozens of artists to create short films, designed video games, and successfully managed Kickstarter campaigns, telling engaging brand stories across a multiplicity of mediums.

I want to take my storytelling to new heights, stories that weren’t just engaging, but user-centric and purposeful. Guided by UX principles, I strive to craft stories that can give voice to a brand’s unique personality and leave lasting impressions on my audiences.

When I’m not plotting stories, you can find me lost in the pages of another world, as I continue to discover new James Bonds, and appreciating the newest stories that fellow storytellers are continuing to pioneer.